Posts Tagged ‘ Ben Kingsley ’



If I’ve learned anything from writing these reviews for the last 18 months or so, it’s that movies are a great way to tell a story. Each and every one is unique, even if the story being told has been tried many times. One thing most films don’t touch on, though, is the effect movies have on our imaginations. Hugo brings the onset of the film era back into the limelight and reminds us not to take these marvelous pieces of art for granted. Continue reading

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

One aspect of video games that has changed even in the last five years is a strict adherence to complex stories. The plots of these video games have turned them into interactive films with intricate storylines and focused cut scenes between levels more than something we view as a game. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a film based on one of those confusing games that adapted the complexities in a cheesy way. Continue reading

The Dictator

Sacha Baron Cohen has offended a lot of people in his time in the limelight. From Borat and Bruno, he offended unsuspecting people in obscure situations to satirize the American public. While he may want people to notice their ignorance and close-minded beliefs, he generally just pisses people off. In The Dictator, Cohen seems to have decided to make a checklist of whom to infuriate and no one is safe from his scrutiny. Continue reading

The Wackness

For such a great actor, Ben Kingsley chooses the most bizarre roles. From classics like Schindler’s List and Gandhi to You Kill Me and all the way down to The Love Guru, Kingsley chooses obscure and unorthodox roles, but it is always clear that he relishes playing an eccentric character. The pattern holds true as he plays the young-hearted Dr. Squires in The Wackness. Continue reading

You Kill Me

The power of being able to express your feelings without judgment is one that can be underappreciated. One of the best forums for this freedom of expression is through Alcoholics Anonymous. After failing to murder a rival mob leader due to a drunken slumber, Frank (Ben Kingsley) learns to accept his vulnerability while sobering up in the mob-hit, alcoholic recovery comedy, You Kill Me. Continue reading