Posts Tagged ‘ Edward Norton ’

Moonrise Kingdom

With movie fans constantly complaining about the lack of originality in modern films, there is a special place for filmmakers like Wes Anderson who developed a unique and peculiar style that is immediately recognizable. His resume includes the likes of Rushmore, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and Fantastic Mr. Fox, so there is a certain level of patience required by fans that do not typically seek out the quirky, dark comedies in order to render the full value of the film. Moonrise Kingdom is another Wes Anderson creation and it lives up to the eccentric expectations for originality. Continue reading

100th Post Battle Royale: The Avengers Refresher Course

Before we begin, a couple of things. For the UK readers and others from places where The Avengers has been released, I’m jealous. Also, I’d love to hear your yay or nay to the film without too much being given away. It comes out in less than a week so I figured I’d help refresh the memories of anyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to see it yet.

Second, I am not a comic book reader, so these opinions are based on the films alone. If there are discrepancies between the films and comics, let me know in the comments. Lastly, the grades are given with regards to other superhero films and not necessarily as films overall (though that is taken into account to some degree).

Thanks so much for reading and all the support. It’s been fun writing and hearing everyone’s opinions. I hope you keep reading and spreading the word!! So here we go, the 3rd Battle Royale: Continue reading

50th Post: Battle Royale: The Prestige VS. The Illusionist


Here we have it. A battle royale of magical proportions. The Prestige VS. The Illusionist. Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman vs. Edward Norton. Scarlett Johannson vs. Jessica Biel. Batman and Wolverine vs. the Hulk…wait. No matter where your allegiances lie, this is a solid battle. Which should you watch? Continue reading