Archive for June, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

With movie fans constantly complaining about the lack of originality in modern films, there is a special place for filmmakers like Wes Anderson who developed a unique and peculiar style that is immediately recognizable. His resume includes the likes of Rushmore, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and Fantastic Mr. Fox, so there is a certain level of patience required by fans that do not typically seek out the quirky, dark comedies in order to render the full value of the film. Moonrise Kingdom is another Wes Anderson creation and it lives up to the eccentric expectations for originality. Continue reading

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind came out in 2004. In 2007 I made two unsuccessful attempts to watch it. By the third time I was determined to sit through the entire film and see what all the fuss was about. I was disappointed…Wait, let me rephrase that to be more accurate. I hated this movie. Yet, as time passed I found myself actively mirroring the film by not being able to remember what exactly I hated except for it being relatively slow. As the past five years progressed I found ESSM to be at the top of many “Favorite of All-Time” lists, so I decided last night to give it another try now that I have matured. Did my hostility hold up? Continue reading

The Rum Diary

Higher expectations can often lead to greater disappointment. It’s a cynical view, but undeniably true. What were my expectations regarding The Rum Diary? To be honest, I saw the trailer and thought, “Johnny Depp working within his wheelhouse. Aaron Eckhart supporting and Amber Heard being Amber Heard. How bad can it be?” With Diary, I got all of that—especially (read: thankfully) Amber—mixed in between a lot of unnecessary fluff. Continue reading

Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Please, pardon me for my partial absence. I have returned with a paltry attempt at a Mr. Popper’s Penguins periodical and a word of caution for having preconceived notions about these penguins. Continue reading


If you’re a tween or even a teenage girl, whom do you look up to as a role model in film and television? Katniss Everdeen isn’t a bad choice since she is strong and relatively independent when fighting for her life. I pray Bella Swan isn’t a role model for anyone. Thankfully, there is a new heroine for young girls to admire—without any love interests involved whatsoever. Merida (Kelly Macdonald) is Disney/Pixar’s newest princess and she inspires a lot of confidence for young women everywhere in Brave. Continue reading