Posts Tagged ‘ Philip Seymour Hoffman ’

The Ides of March


If I learned anything from House of Cards, it’s that politics is dirty. The shady dealings are dirty. The lies are dirty. Heck, even the truths are bound to be dirty. Another aspect of politics made even clearer in The Ides of March is the complete lack of safety surrounding all involved, even the lowly interns. Continue reading


Sometimes you can’t help developing a deep relationship with someone you really should be avoiding. You find yourself drawn to their character despite glaring flaws. Truman Capote (Philip Seymour Hoffman) develops a serious relationship with convicted murderer Perry Smith (Clifton Collins Jr.) in Capote. Continue reading

Synecdoche, New York

First a few notes. 1. Check out the new name and tell your friends! (the old one will still send you here though, so don’t fret). 2. Sorry for the longer review. It’s Charlie Kaufman, you try keeping it short and simple! Thanks for reading!

When discussing Charlie Kaufman I feel it is necessary to make one’s stance on his films explicit. I was a fan of Adaptation and Being John Malkovich, but I would rarely, if ever, choose one of his films to watch on a lazy afternoon or use one of them as an example of a film I love. Synecdoche, New York happens to be tailored too intensely for Kaufman’s niche following, which made it especially difficult to watch. Continue reading

Mary and Max

A key facet of the human condition is the need for companionship. Some may prefer their solitude, but this preference is rarely all encompassing. There is always someone or something in which we confide and take solace. Mary Daisy Dinkle and Max Jerry Horovitz find a source of comfort in their unlikely friendship. Mary is an eight-year-old Australian stuck in the most unfortunate of situations. Her mother is an alcoholic and her father is a negligent factory worker/taxidermist. Through a series of letters, she befriends a forty-four-year-old New Yorker named Max (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome. Continue reading