Posts Tagged ‘ Natalie Portman ’

Black Swan

Advertising for a complex film must be a difficult task. On the one hand you have to highlight an aspect of the film that will draw an audience. On the other, you don’t want to give too much or choose the wrong feature that may turn people away. Black Swan, for me, had a double-sided advertising – trailers vs. word-of-mouth – campaign much like the story itself. Continue reading

75th Post: Battle Royale: Friends with Benefits vs. No Strings Attached


We’re at it again folks, only this time the fight is a little…sexier. Guy meets girl (or vice versa). Both are beautiful – shocking – so there is a mutual attraction that just cannot be ignored. Hold up! They are both emotionally damaged so they don’t want the frivolities of a standard relationship. No, they want to keep it Olivia Newton John style. Two movies, two former ballerinas, six months apart, but which one was actually worth seeing – if either. Battle Royale #2: No Strings Attached vs. Friends with Benefits Continue reading


Whether you agree or disagree with the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, there is no refuting it takes a special level of courage for the men and women who risk their lives to fight. There is also no refuting the toll their absences take on their families and loved ones. Brothers shows how the decision (or obligation) to fight for your country can lead to personal and familial destruction. Continue reading